Open Discussion Creative Common Indonesia

by faris on 02/19/2019

A few weeks ago I had a chance to attend an open discussion of Creative Common Indonesia (CC ID). This discusses the CC ID performance and plans for what should do regarding the development of CC licenses in Indonesia. Because this is an open discussion, it is live broadcasted through the internet, and netizens can give input and suggestions if they cannot present at the event.

foto oleh : Susi Harja Hunusalela (Creative Common Indonesia)

I was actually among those who did not understand deeply about this, * so I was interested to come. What I know is that CC ID has the spirit to disseminate open movement and access to works distributed through the internet. The spirit that I feel is in line with the vision of the Open Access Indonesia, a community that I involved with since last year.

What is struggled by Creative Common Indonesia (CC ID) is actually simple. CC ID seeks that digital works in terms of the art of music, design, photos, books or knowledge, etc., should become more inclusive while still providing protection to their creators. This is so that the work can be utilized as well and widely as possible for the community.

As an academic and open movement activist, I think it is a must for me to explore the potential of the common creative license, especially in the protection of academic works. If you also have digital works, and want to use this license, you can download the guidelines for using CC licenses through this link.

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